Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 36

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  • 1 - S. Maria del Fiore (Duomo)
  • 2 - S. Giovanni Battista (Battistero)
  • 3 - S. Zanobi column
  • 4 - Canonica del Duomo
  • 5 - S. Benedetto Par.
  • 6 - S. Cristofano Par.
  • 7 - S. Margherita dei Ricci
  • 8 - S. Michele delle Trombe - S. Elisabetta Par.
  • 9 - Oratory of the Bigallo

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Giovanni, Parishes: S. Benedetto, S. Cristofano, S. Leo, Duomo, S. Michele delle Trombe, S. Maria in Campo, S. Maria Nipotecosa, S. Tommaso, Streets: Corso Adimari, Piazza del Duomo, Piazza S. Giovanni, Pza Succhiellinai (V Roma), V Calzaiuoli {p}. (The street names are only partly listed.) Square 36 had a moderate number of households, many shops, some patricians, many households with servants, many households w/o surnames, and some households headed by widows. This square was much changed by urban redevelopment in the 1880s. In 1561 the painter Bronzino lived in this square (Corso Adimari)."

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 36