Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 27

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  • 1 - Opera del Duomo
  • Offices for the fabric of the Duomo. Port. bust of Cosimo I over the portal. B209 Pza Duomo.

  • 2 - S. Michele Visdomini Par. Mon.
  • Anc. Par. Ch. Benedictine Celestine monks (from S. Piero Murrone Sq. 5 #1) 1552. Enlarged 16th century. [10 R (in Sq. 5) 1551, 12 here 1632] B93 M/R 71 Paatz IV:194 Pza S. Michele Visdomini.

  • 3 - Pal. Pucci (Site)
  • Houses of the Pucci family here were confiscated after the Pucci conspiracy of 1559, but were later returned to Alessandro di Pandolfo Pucci. Palace from the late seventeenth century. G-L 59 V. dei Pucci 2-6.

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Giovanni, Parishes: Duomo, S. Michele Visdomini, S. Marco. Streets: V dei Calderai (V de Pucci), V dei Servi {p}, V del Cocomero {p} (V. Ricasoli {p}). Square 17 had a moderate number of households, some shops, many patricians, many households with servants, few households w/o surnames and some households headed by widows. "

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 27