brown tougaloo exchange Freedom Now! mississippi freedom movement
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This database currently includes about 250 documents in two categories. Student researchers found documents relating to the Mississippi Freedom Movement in the Tougaloo College Archives, and to the Brown-Tougaloo Cooperative Exchange in the Brown University Archives. To learn more about how the documents were chosen, select About; to learn more about the Tougaloo College Archives or the Brown University Archives, select Archives.

You can search the database by keywords, proper names, or other common terms. Click on the documents themselves for a larger view.

General term search

(Four words maximum, separated by spaces. The search will return results including ALL the words you enter above. This query will search several fields in the archive's database, including Proper Names, Headnote, and Content Description.)

Item type
(Choose up to four.)

(Choose up to four.)

Created before
Created after   
(Dates should be entered in the format YYYY-MM-DD. This search will return all records within the date range
specified, and will include all undated items.)

Brown University Tougaloo College STG

Record ID