Collector's Categorization: farmec de dragoste (love spell)
Local Designation: [None]
Informant: Unknown
Translator(s): Sanda Golopentia, W. R.
Reference(s): Golopentia_1998 015, p. 77-78; Teodorescu_1885 p. 376
Timing & Setting: once (implicit), Sunday morning at the break of day; Road (home-trail-way-main road) [V] Unknown (unspecified), Unknown (unspecified); Other (home (implicit)) [T]
Inventory Items | |
Basil [T] |
Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis (isop, hyssop)) [T] |
Water/Dew (unstarted water) [T] |
Precious/Valued (coin) [T] |
Esoteric (thread of red silk) [T] |