Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 9

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  • 1 - S. Marco Par. Mon.
  • 2 - S. Appolonia Con.
  • 3 - S. Caterina di Siena Con.
  • 4 - Conservatorio di S. Jacopo

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Giovanni, Parishes: S. Lorenzo, S. Marco, Streets: Piazza S. Marco {p}, V Larga (V Cavour {p}), Via (V degli Arrazieri), V S. Gallo {p}. Square 9 had a moderate number of households, some shops, some patricians, some households with servants, some households w/o surnames and some households headed by widows. In Piazza S. Marco the central column still had the temporary equestrian statue of Giovanni delle Bande Nere by Tribolo erected for the marriage of Cosimo I with Eleonora di Toledo in 1539."

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 9