Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 79

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  • 1 - S. Salvatore di Camaldoli Mon. - Site Sped. Mendicanti
  • 12th cent. Camaldolese monks. [2 R (men) 1551] Temporarily housed Cavalieresse di Malta nuns 1552 [55 R (women)] who moved to Sq. 5 #1. House abandoned 1550s. Buildings utilized for Pia Casa dei Mendicanti for the mendicant poor 1621. [657 I 1632] B48 M/R 87 Paatz V:41 Pass. 557 V. Camaldoli No longer exists.

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Spirito, Parishes: S. Frediano, S. Maria in Verzaia, Streets: V dell Orto {p}, V di Camaldoli, V Gusciana (Pza T. Tasso), V S. Salvatore (V della Chiesa {p}). Square 70 had a moderate number of households, few shops, few patricians, some households with servants, some households w/o surnames and some widows. Weavers were likely here. This square was much changed through the building of Piazza Tasso in the late 19th cent."

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 79