Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 56

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  • 1 - S. Salvatore di Ognissanti Par. Mon.
  • Par. Ch. of the Umiliati from 1256. Minor Observant Franciscan brothers from S. Salvadore al Monte (Sq. 70#5) 1554. [91 R 1632] B119 M/R 88 Paatz IV:406 B. Ognissanti.

  • 2 - Sped. S. Giovanni di Dio
  • ca. 1400. Vespucci family. Under Bigallo until 1587 then Augustinian Brothers of S. Giovanni di Dio (Fare bene fratelli). [12 R 1632]. M/R 41 Paatz II:287 Pass. 396 B. Ognissanti 16.

  • 3 - Pal. Lenzi
  • Built for Lorenzo Lenzi ca. 1470. Bought by Lionardo di Andrea Buini 1647. B163 G-L 37 Pza Ognissanti

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Maria Novella, Parishes: Ognissanti, S. Paolo, Streets: Borgo Ognissanti {p}, Piazza Ognissanti, V Nuova (V Porcellana {p}). Square 56 had a moderate number of households, some shops some patricians, some households with servants, some households w/o surnames and many households headed by widows. Weavers were likely here. "

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 56