Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 1

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  • 1 - Porta a S Gallo
  • The main northern gate B135. The Baluardo a S. Gallo (B22) was north of Porta a S. Gallo.

  • 2 - Chiarito Con.
  • S. Salvatore di Chiarito di Fiesole. 1435 Augustinian nuns; rebuilt ca. 1550-65. [50 R 1551, 61 1632] B33 M/R 21 Paatz I:462 V. S. Gallo 105

  • 3 - S. Clemente Con.
  • 1345 Canons of S. Bartolommeo; 1538 Augustinian (Eremitane) nuns. House enlarged 1562, new novitiate 1619. [8 R 1551, 90 1632] B34 M/R 22 Paatz I:469 V. S. Gallo 106

  • 4 - Sped. S. Rocco
  • 1508. Small hospice for pilgrims. B176 Paatz V:19 Pass. 106. V. S. Gallo No longer exists.

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Giovanni, Parish: S. Lorenzo, Streets: V. S. Gallo {p}, V. del Maglio (V. Lamarmora {p}). Square 1 had few households, no shops, few patricians, some households with servants, some households w/o surnames and some households headed by widows. The house near the gate (B135) was probably the customs house. The outer reaches of V. del Maglio for the few houses and high walls were favorite spots for ball playing."

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 1