Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 37

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  • 1 - Bargello-Pal. del Podesta
  • 2 - S. Margherita Par.
  • 3 - S. Maria in Campo Par.
  • 4 - S. Procolo Par.
  • 5 - Badia Mon.
  • 6 - Pal. Pazzi della Congiura
  • 7 - Pal. Ramirez de Montalvo
  • 8 - Pal. Salviati
  • 9 - Pal. Valori-Altoviti dei "Visacci"
  • 10 - Pal. Strozzi "Non Finito" (Site)

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarters S. Giovanni, S. Croce. Parishes: S. Margherita, S. Maria in Campo, S. Piero Maggiore, S. Procolo, Streets: Borgo degli Albizzi {p}, Canto dei Pazzi (V del Proconsolo), Corte dei Donati, V dei Pandolfini {p}, V del Corso {p}, V del Palagio (V Ghibellina {p}), V del Proconsolo. Square 37 had many households, many shops, many patricians, many households with servants, some households w/o surnames, and some households headed by widows."

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 37