Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 68

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  • 1 - S. Lucia dei Magnoli Par.
  • 11th cent. Par. Ch. Renovations 16th-18th centuries. B151 Paatz II:606 V. dei Bardi, 22.

  • 2 - Pal. Canigiani
  • Two adjoining palaces from the 14th-15th centuries, one courtyard by Michelozzo? B222 G-L 107 V. dei Bardi 28-30.

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Spirito, Parish: S. Lucia dei Magnoli. Streets: Costa della Scarpuccia, V dei Bardi (B S. Niccolo {p}). Square 68 had a moderate number of households, few shops, many patricians, some households with servants, some households w/o surnames and some households headed by widows. This square was much changed through the building of the present Lungarni in the 19th century. "

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 68