Digital House Tours of The Nightingale-Brown House began in the Summer of 2016. "Version 1.0" of the project went live in September 2017. Unless otherwise noted, students, faculty, and staff are affiliated with Brown University.
Project News
July 2017: Jim McGrath discussed the project in his short paper, "Days of Future Past: Augmented Reality and Temporality in Digital Public Humanities" at the Keystone Digital Humanities Conference (Philadelphia, PA).
November 2016: Jim McGrath presented the project at a Project Showcase hosted by the Digital Humanities Caucus at the American Studies Association annual meeting (Denver, Colorado).
August 2016: Jennifer Shook's work on the project was the subject of a Brown University "Profiles in Summer Research" story (link).
Summer 2016 UTRA Team (Undergraduate Teaching and Research Awards)
This team of students completed the core work on the project: researching the history of the house, digitizing materials, composing annotations, and designing digital exhibits.
Lena Bohman (American Studies BA, Class of 2019)
Minah Seo (BA, Class of 2019)
Jennifer Shook (BA, Class of 2019)
Emily Taylor (Leadership Alliance Program, Southern Oregon University, History BA, Class of 2018)
Chameli JIA Xiaomeng (Cultural Management Program, Chinese University of Hong Kong MA, Class of 2016)
Main Project Team
Susan Smulyan (Project Co-Director) is the Director of the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
Ron Potvin (Project Co-Director) is the Assistant Director for Professional Programs at the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage and the Curator of the Nightingale-Brown House.
Jim McGrath (Digital Projects Consultant and Project Manager) is a Postdoctoral Fellow in Digital Public Humanities at the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage.
Other Collaborators
Jesse Banks III (Photographer) is a photographer based in Providence, Rhode Island. He photographed each space for our digital exhibits.
Dylan Cole-Kink (Brown University BA, Class of 2017) supported Summer 2016 UTRA work.
Sarah Dylla (MA in Public Humanities, Class of 2016) wrote a white paper for the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage assessing augmented reality and digital exhibit tools for potential use on a digital house tour project.
Project Team Members would like to thank Joe Mancino and Elli Mylonas (Brown University Library Center for Digital Scholarship) for their support with this project's technical needs.
We would also like to thank Christopher Geissler and the staff of Brown's John Hay Library for making archival resources available to our team of undergraduates.
Technical Details
Digital Tours of the Nightingale-Brown House was created with Omeka (creating in Version 2.4.1; the current iteration of the site is Version 2.7) and makes use of "The Daily" theme and the Neatline exhibit-building plugin (Version 2.5.1). Additional pages were created with the aid of the Simple Pages plugin (Version 3.0.7) and the CSS Editor plugin (Version 1.0.1).
The magnifying glass and location icons used in Neatline exhibits were created by Freepik from flaticon.com.
How To Cite This Project
To cite the project as a whole, we recommend:
McGrath, Jim, Ron Potvin, Susan Smulyan, et al. Digital Tours of The Nightingale-Brown House. Version 1.0. 2016-17. http://cds.library.brown.edu/NBHouse. Web. [access date]
To cite individual tours, we recommend:
[last name, first name of tour creator]. "Name of Tour." Digital Tours of The Nightingale-Brown House. Version 1.0. Eds. Jim McGrath, Ron Potvin, and Susan Smulyan. 2016-2017. [tour URL] Web. [access date]
Contact Info
For general information about the project, email publichumanities@brown.edu.
For technical questions, email Jim McGrath (james_mcgrath@brown.edu)