Golopentia_1998/118: Love countercharm scenario: Against the Zburator

Collected in: Ilfov (Muntenia); at Bucharest (1970)

Muntenia Detail Map
charm text

Collector's Categorization: [None]

Local Designation: [None]

Informant: Neaga (baba descântătoarea); M, Illiterate

Translator(s): Sanda Golopentia, W. R.

Reference(s): Teodorescu_1885 p. 379-380

Timing & Setting: 3 days [V] Other (Tuesday and Friday when the market is breaking) [T]

Inventory Items


Other (Levisticum officinale (leuÅŸtean, lovage)) [T]


Other (Centaurea banatica (drăgani, ?)) [T]


Other (Gratiola officinalis, Ajuga laxmanni (avrămeasă, cristineasă, hedge/water hyssop)) [T]


Other (Valeriana dioica, V. officinalis (odolean, valerian, allheal)) [T]


Mandrake (Atropa belladona (mătrăgună, banewort)) [V]


Other (Dracaena draco (sînge-de-nouă fraţi, resin)) [V]


Other (Doronicum austriacum, Sedum acre, S. rosea, Carlina acaulis (iarba ciutei, leopard's abne, roseroot)) [V]


Esoteric (Lathraea squamaria, Aseprula odorata, Pteridium aquilinum (muma-pădurii, sweet woodruff, bracken)) [V]


Esoteric (unstarted water) [T]


Holy (incense, myrrh, great myrrh, dust from Bible pages) [T]


Holy ( icons) [T]


Esoteric (new big pot, pills with holy things) [T]


Esoteric (pots) [V]

[modified on: 01 July 2021 11:17:36 by Sanda Golopentia]