Collector's Categorization: [None]
Local Designation: legătura şi deslegătura (tying and untying)
Informant: Nedelea (old moașa); F age NNN
Translator(s): W. R., Sanda Golopentia
Reference(s): Teodorescu_1885 p. 378-379
Timing & Setting: [None] [V] [None] [T]
Inventory Items | |
Hemp (a thread of hemp) [T] |
Water/Dew (unstarted water left out under the stars) [T] |
Connected with weddings (wedding wreaths bound) [T] |
Esoteric (thread of hemp with 9 knots; the threshold of the door; padlocks (9)) [T] |
Objects |
Esoteric (thread of hemp with 9 knots) [V] |