Golopentia_1998/103: Love charm scenario: For beauty and love; against hate (gathering all the loves; washing all hate)

Collected in: Dolj (Oltenia); at Craiova (1970)

Oltenia Detail Map
charm text

Collector's Categorization: [None]

Local Designation: de dragoste (for love)

Informant: Paraschiva Alexandrescu (G.); F age NNN, Illiterate

Translator(s): W. R., Sanda Golopentia

Reference(s): Laugier p. 134-135

Timing & Setting: [None] [V] [None] [T]

Inventory Items


Religious (Holy Mother Sunday) [V]


Supernatural (She's (3 înse)) [V]


Basil (cluster) [V]


peony (peonies) [V]


Holy (holy oil) [V]


Silver [V]


Impure (fuel (befueled)) [V]


Water/Dew (from the Jordan) [V]


Love (loves (the)) [V]


Precious/Valued (bed of gold, staff of silver, gilded door, chair of wax) [V]


Negative (skin (goat; flaking; wolf); droppings (of a black hen)) [V]


Esoteric (shoelaces (cat); red silk, skirt with twigs and tiny stars) [V]


Resounding objects (bells (tolling of)) [V]


Esoteric (egg bursting to pieces in the fire) [V]

[modified on: 01 July 2021 11:17:36 by Sanda Golopentia]