Golopentia_1998/098: Love countercharm scenario: Against fate (undoing a fate charm)

Collected in: Iași (Moldova) by Al. Vasiliu; at Schitu Duca (1970)

Moldova Detail Map
charm text

Collector's Categorization: [None]

Local Designation: cu frigărili, di stânsu frigării (with the skewers, to quench the skewer)

Informant: Vasîlca Șiucî (Ghiorghi); F age 60

Translator(s): Catherine Sama, Sanda Golopentia

Reference(s): Golopentia_1998 098, p. 261; Vasiliu_1934 p. 62

Timing & Setting: [None] [V] [None] [T]

Inventory Items


Religious (God) [V]


Cultivated ambivalent (grasses) [V]


Water/Dew [T]


Weapons (scythe (top of, heated in fire = iron)) [T]


Esoteric (embers (9)) [T]


Weapons (scythe (sharp-cutting a. venomous)) [V]

[modified on: 01 July 2021 11:17:36 by Sanda Golopentia]