Golopentia_1998/047: Love charm and countercharm scenario: For beauty and love; against hate (to undo hate)

Collected in Transilvania; at OnceÅŸti (Alba or MaramureÈ™) (1970)

Transilvania Detail Map
charm text

Collector's Categorization: [None]

Local Designation: de desfăcut, pentru fapt (to undo, for fapt)

Informant: Unknown

Translator(s): W. R., Sanda Golopentia

Reference(s): Gorovei_1931 p. 294

Timing & Setting: [None] [V] [None] [T]

Inventory Items


Cultivated positive (Majorana hortensis (măgheran, marjoram)) [T]


Water/Dew [T]


Gold [T]


Honey/Sugar [T]


Clothes (blue clothes) [T]


Connected with death (rotten stump) [T]


Resounding objects (trumpet of gold) [T]


Esoteric (the mouth of the shirt) [T]

[modified on: 01 July 2021 11:17:36 by Sanda Golopentia]