Golopentia_1998/016: Love charm scenario: For beauty and love (for being successful at the village dance)

Collected in: Botoșani (Moldova) by Al. Vasiliu; at Mitoc (Dorohoi') (1970)

Moldova Detail Map
charm text

Collector's Categorization: [None]

Local Designation: di dragosti (for love)

Informant: Măndiţa Bohorodiţa (unknown); F age 57, Illiterate

Translator(s): Sanda Golopentia, Catherine Sama

Reference(s): Golopentia_1998 016, p. 79-80; Vasiliu_1934 p. 19-20

Timing & Setting: [None]; Road (way-trail-dancing place; by the Sun-on the mountain-to the dance place) [V] once (implicit), Meat days ((before) sunrise); Other (home (inside and outside); dancing place) [T]

Inventory Items


Sour cherry tree [T]


Other (Sedum rosea (rujă, roseroot)) [T]


Water/Dew ((water + sun)) [T]

[modified on: 01 July 2021 11:17:36 by Sanda Golopentia]