AFC_65/c: Love charm scenario: For fate and marriage (seeing one's fated spouse in a dream)

Collected in: Dolj (Oltenia) by Marin D. Nițu; at Frățila Prădătoru (1970)

Oltenia Detail Map
charm text

Collector's Categorization: Seara Ajunului Anului Nou

Local Designation: [None]

Informant: Unknown

Translator(s): Sanda Golopentia

Reference(s): AFC 65 c, p. 9

Timing & Setting: [None] [V] once (implicit), New Year (New Year's eve); Bridge (bridge made out of thorns by the charmees) [T]

Inventory Items


Prickling plants (thorns) [T]


Rhetorical (hazel-tree, maple-tree, alden-tree) [T]


Rhetorical (hazel-tree/ madman; maple-tree/ stallion; alden-tree/ dog) [V]


Precious/Valued (silver coin) [T]


Esoteric (bridge of thorns, red thread) [T]


Horse (stallion) [V]

[modified on: 01 July 2021 11:17:36 by Sanda Golopentia]