Pusul Cinstelor (Giving the Honors), 1997

Filmed in 1978 by Matilda Ionescu and Radu Răutu. Final Editor: D. Dumitrașcu, 1997, CNCP (National Center for Folklore Creation). The film was first assembled in 1978 and subsequently updated with color sequences in 1997, at the CNCP.
Field research (1977–1978) and scientific consultant: Radu Răutu. Both M.I. and R.R. worked at the Bucharest Institute of Ethnography and Folklore of the Romanian Academy at the time.
Informants: Maria Tomovici, 76 years (in 1977), from Ciulpăz, Hunedoara and Maria Nan a lui Ou, from Aranes-Cerbăl, Hunedoara.

This is not a love charm. It exemplifies, however, in a most interesting way some of the procedures meant to praise and appease powerful mythical representations, in this case, the “Hăle Doamne” (Those Ladies). If somebody inadvertently stepped in the footsteps of Those Ladies, he or she will become unable to move and speak. To help, Maria Tomovici puts a dish with holy water, lit candles and incense on a low table and slowly circles it on her knees and elbows while reciting a formula in which she honors Those Ladies and requests the healing of the charmee. The water is then thrown on a clean spot and the sick person is expected to feel better. Used by permission of Dr. Radu Răutu.