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Inventory Summary for: Magic Auxiliaries

The magic auxiliaries invoked in love charms can act as benevolent helpers (such is the case of the Mother of the Lord, Saint Sunday etc.) or answer a specific request of the Charmee (personified Water, Sun, Moon, Wind, Fire, Mandrake, Devil etc.). In listing the supernatural auxiliaries, we start with clearly positive ones (Water, Sun), continue with ambivalent figures (such as Moon, Stars, Wind, Fire, Wormwood or Mandrake) and end with rather negative and dangerous helpers (such as the Dragon-snake or the Devil). Among ther human auxiliaries, the Charmee's mother and the Charm-sayer are the most important. Note that the Mother of the Lord functions as a superlative alter ego of either the Charmee's mother or the Charm-sayer.


9 lions super‑lions: 1 (verse)
lion with lioness: 1 (verse)
she-goats (9, hornless, shod with fire): 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 4 (verse)
devil from the lake: 1 (verse)
devils (9; with fire in their mouths): 1 (verse)
he-demon with she-demon; he-devil with she-devil: 1 (verse)
he-devils (99), she-devils (99), devil-cubs (99): 1 (verse)
Oste Scaraoste: 1 (verse)



Fire firelet turned into an agon dragon: 1 (verse)



charm-sayer Maria: 1 (verse)
charmee's mother: 1 (verse)
good people: 1 (verse)
his mother when she made him: 1 (verse)
his mother who made him: 1 (verse)
Maria the charm-maker: 1 (verse)
mother (his m., when she made him): 1 (verse)
wise people: 1 (verse)



little radish (Great Lady): 1 (verse)


Her of the Lord:

[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)
Holy Mary: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)



Abraham\'s trail, Jordan\'s well: 1 (verse)
Adam, Adameasa, Iordan, Iordanoaia: 1 (verse)
Christ (who watched over him): 1 (verse)
Christ who watched over him: 1 (verse)
God: 3 (verse)
God who let him be: 1 (verse)
Holy Mother Sunday: 1 (verse)
Lord Christ: 1 (verse)
priest: 1 (verse)
Saint Sunday, Saint George: 1 (verse)
Xenizo: 1 (verse)



Star going toward charmee's luck: 1 (verse)
star turned into a viper: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)
Holy Sun, holy great lord; 3 suns; 3 sisters of Holy Sun: 1 (verse)
holy Sun, my brother: 1 (verse)
rising sun, dear brother: 1 (verse)
Sun dear brother wirh 35 rings of mail; 30 daughters of the Sun: 1 (verse)
Sun, dear brother: 1 (verse)



41 foods: 1 (verse)
Fate: 1 (verse)
God: 1 (verse)
Lady Mandrake: 1 (verse)
Powerful wormwood: 1 (verse)
She's (3 înse): 1 (verse)
she-dragon snake: 1 (verse)
You trough, with the body of a she-dragon and the head of a she-devil: 1 (verse)



big well, lake: 1 (verse)
Great Lady Water: 1 (verse)
Holy and handsome walking water (river): 1 (verse)
holy walking water coming from the sun: 1 (verse)



Lord Wind: 1 (verse)



ringing church bells: 1 (tech)

Together with such crucial religious figures as Jesus Christ, God, Saint George (Rom. Gheorghe) or Saint Basil (Rom. Vasile), unconventional ones—such as Adam and She-Adam (Adameasa), Jordan and She-Jordan (Iordanoaia), Holy Mother Sunday—as well as priests saying mass and ringing church bells are often convoked in the formulas of the charm scenarios for undoing or returning hate or fate magic.


evil spirits: 1 (tech)

In the night charms for fate (aimed at bringing one's fated spouse), the Devil is given the task of simply accelerating the fulfillment of a God-given destiny, of implementing, though at a different pace, God's will.


cat or dog: 1 (tech)
he-cat: 1 (tech)
pig: 1 (tech)
sitting cow: 1 (tech)

Domestic Animals such as cows, pigs or cats often function as auxiliaries in divinatory practices. They “answer” the woman’s questions (by changing positions, by eating the bread she offers them etc.). There are also wild animal helpers, such as the lions that fetch all kinds of existent love (between cows and calves, ewes and lambs, sows and piglets a.s.o.) and bring them to the charmee. Or the hornless she-goats that are sent to burn the mind and the heart of the fated spouse and bring him or her to the charmee.


[no qualifier]: 1 (tech)