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Inventory Summary for: Magic Acts (Speech)

We here enumerate some of the most important speech acts that intervene while performing a magic formula. These include: (a) preparatory, often implicit acts, that give conventional meanings to a number of characteristics of the gestural interactions aimed at discovering one's marital future; (b) acts of invoking, praying, commanding, promising etc. meant to ensure the cooperation of important magic auxiliaries; (c) various speech acts involved in the performance of a formula, such as saying, reciting, whispering, shouting, narrating, describing, asking questions, pursuing a dialogue, enumerating or cursing; (d) specific acts of magically "sending back" a negative charm; (e) specific acts of undoing/voiding a negative charm.

a question:

All asked: Who is that?: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 4 (verse)
command the Devil: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)
counting from 1 to 10: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)


Merate exhaustively:

[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)
list first... ninth village: 1 (verse)
the days of the week: 1 (verse)



Come sooner, my lot!: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)



narration: 2 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 6 (verse)
beauty for herself, ugliness for all other women, bringing the fateman: 1 (verse)



promise: 1 (verse)



[no qualifier]: 1 (verse)
I shouted, I wailed: 1 (verse)


Oing/Voiding a negative charm:

charm away: 1 (verse)



recite: 1 (tech)
say the charm: 1 (tech)


Ask a question:

ask the pig a question: 1 (tech)
ask the unknown man they encounter for his name: 1 (tech)



count fence posts from 9 to 1, starting at random: 1 (tech)
count poles from 9 to 1, starting at random: 1 (tech)


Enumerate exhaustively:

give serial possible answers to the question: 1 (tech)



call cat/ dog to eat the cake: 1 (tech)
decode (each substance, object indicates a quality of one's futurespouse): 1 (tech)
establish a translation code: 1 (tech)



[no qualifier]: 1 (tech)