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28. Cabalistarum
I.28.47. Per dictionem Amen ordo habetur expressus quomodo
|numerationum procedant influxus.
[Interpretation and Commentary, Victoria Duroff, 10/1/24]:
(Also annotates:
Most probably, Pico believed that Hebrew letters ought to be read in the same manner as Egyptian hieroglyphs, as images communicating with the reader through their form as much as by their configuration in the text. Being the language with which God has created this world, the Hebrew alphabet formed the names of the ten Cabbalistic sefirot – or numerations, as Pico termed them – a Jewish alternative to the “stairs” of the Platonic ladder connecting the Intellectual world and lower realities. Being the language “of the soul”, Hebrew does not even have to be read: its power is in the very letters and their configurations, not in the external meaning of words. The discovery of Hebrew letters’ pictographic and numeric qualities was very relevant to the contemporary nominalist-realist debate, in which Pico took part as both a philosopher and a philologist. The possibility that a text can communicate without words (in the conventional sense) offered more than one way to connect between \res et verba\, as the problem of naming things seemed to be partly resolved by drawing or calculating them. See: Sebastiano Gentile, “Pico Filologo”, in Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, pp. 465-490, especially pp. 481-482
[Latin to Spanish Translation, Ernesto Priani Saiso, 10/1/24]:
Por la palabra "Amén", se hace expreso el orden en el que procede el influjo de las numeraciones.