Online Gazetteer of Sixteenth Century Florence

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Square 10

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  • 1 - Serraglio dei Lioni
  • The caged lions of the Republic. Moved here from behind the Pal. Vecchio (V dei Lioni) ca. 1550. B154 Pza SS Annunziata. No longer exits.

  • 2 - Stalle del G. Duca
  • The ducal stables. B185 No longer exists.

  • 3 - Sped. S. Matteo
  • ca. 1389. Hospital for the sick, [60 I 1551, 32 1632] B88 Paatz IV: 148 Pass. 149 Pza S. Marco

  • 4 - Pal. Grifoni
  • Built by Ammannati for Ugolino di Jacopo Grifoni a figure at the court of Alessandro and Cosimo I (completed 1574). Capricorn symbol of Cosimo I on the portal. Sometimes called Pal. di Altopascio. B168 G-L 66 V. dei Servi 51.

Streets, Parishes, Notes:

"Quarter: S. Giovanni, Parishes: S. Marco, S. Michele Visdomini, Streets: Piazza dei Servi (Pza SS Annunziata {p}), V dei Servi {p}, V del Cocomero {p} (V. Ricasoli {p}), V della Sapienza (V C. Battisti). Square 10 had a moderate number of households, some shops, some patricians, some households with servants, some households w/o surnames and some households headed by widows."

Photo courtesy Musei Comunali Firenze.
map of square 10