A Letter written by Eleanor Wimbish

...I am the one who rocked him as a baby. I am the one who kissed away the hurts. I'm the one who taught him right from wrong. I'm the one who held him for the last time and watched him fly away to war. I'm the one who prayed each night "Dear God keep him safe. " I'm the goofy mom who sent him a Christmas tree in Vietnam. I'm the one whose heart broke when told my Billy had died in a helicopter crash. And now I'm the one who still cries at night because of the memories I have that will never die.

Oh, yes, Billy, this mother of yours remembers. I remember the good times and I remember the bad times. But you were so full of life and kept me busy the 21 years I had you, that I now thank God for letting me be your Mom and for leaving me so many more good memories than bad ones. I love you, Billy, and I miss you so.




[read from LAURA PALMER, Shrapnel in the Heart, New York 1987, p. 119]


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