
Significance within the Decameron:


Seventh Day, Third Tale (Friar Rinaldo sleeps with godchild's mother, then convinces the husband he has been treating the sick child)
Seventh Day, Tenth Tale (Tingoccio Mino, who has recently died, appears in the dream his friend, Meuccio di Tura)
Eighth Day, Eighth Tale (Spinelloccio Tavena and Zeppa di Mino, two friends who repay each other a favor at the expense of their wives)
Ninth Day, Fourth Tale (Cecco Angiolieri is forced to change his travels when Cecco Fortarrigo strips his of everything, including his trousers)
Tenth Day, Second Tale (Ghino di Tacco wins the favor of Pope Boniface when he cures the Abbot of Cluny of his ailing stomach)



(J. K., J. Q. & N. F.)